Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How humble I am

I probably shouldn't be telling you how lucky I am, but I just want to prove a point:

For the last year, I've been getting an amazing amount of confidential e-mails from more than a few widows of foreign despots, as well as lawyers for dozens of deceased distant relatives (I never knew I had) who named me as the sole beneficiary in their wills. They all want to give me millions of dollars, if I'd just send them my name, mailing address, bank and credit card account numbers.

Now, nothing would be more fun than to spend the $1.9 trillion dollars I'd have in my bank account by now, if you add up all the money these e-mails wanted to give me. But the truth is that I need to remain humble, and so I have forsaken these opportunities for easy wealth in favor of staying simple.

However, being the kind of guy who doesn't mind "sharing the wealth", if you think you can handle "instant wealth", please send me your name, address, bank account and credit card numbers, and I'll pass them along the next time I get one of those e-mails.


Anonymous said...

I share in your affinity for attracting the ample generosity of froeign widows and lawyers...

I always reply that they may spend my share on the poor of their own nation, and email a photograph of some of the more impoverished localities.

I have yet to hear back from any...

John Seymour said...

LOL, very funny post.