Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Edward Moore Kennedy

With the President on vacation and Congress in recess, Senator Kennedy's death will be THE story for the next week or so.

The tributes have been coming in. Here's one of them.

"May Christ be merciful in judging our brother Edward, for he believed in Christ as his Lord and Savior."


mmoc said...

He was a great Catholic example for us all, even if some of us Catholics differ from each other on abortion.

cdnbison said...

A great Catholic example? I struggle with that statement. I understand and appreciate his work for the working class of America, but please walk me thru the "great Catholic example" part.

May the Lord have Mercy on Ted Kennedy.

Arthur said...

I am not at all surprised by NARAL's comments. After all, Senator Kennedy was one of the Nation's most ardent supporters of abortion rights. What nausiated me this morning was my own Archbishop Sean Cardinal O'Malley's effusive praise of Senator Kennedy, while ignoring Mr. Kennedy's failure to protect the rights of the unborn. If Cardinal O'Malley felt today was not the day to tarnish Mr. Kennedy's memory, then the Cardinal should have simply said he was extending his sympathies to the Senator's family and praying for the repose of Senator Kennedy's soul. When our church leaders turn a blind eye to Catholic politicians who support abortion on demand, it's like killing the unborn babies twice!

mmoc said...

A great Catholic cares for the sick, the poor, the disadvantaged. That is how Senator Kennedy led his life. True, he was a sinner at times, as we all are.

Victoria said...

Edward Kennedy

He voted against banning human cloning.
He was rated 100% reliable by the National Abortion Rights Action League.
He voted against banning the murder of children at the moment of birth.
He voted against parental consent of minors seeking out-of-state abortion.
He voted against criminalizing harm to unborn children during commission of crimes.
He voted against banning abortion on military bases.
He voted for expanding embryonic stem cell research.
He voted for $100 million to expand sex education programs and distribute contraceptives to youngsters.

Anonymous said...

May God have mercy on his soul. He may have professed to be a Catholic, but his actions- which speak louder than words - were contrary. God will judge his actions and the results of those actions - we should not.

cdnbison said...

Who is more disadvantaged than the unborn? We certainly all are sinners, but the idea is not to persist in our behavior. Repent and believe.

Unknown said...

Classy post--thank you for the reminder of how we as Catholics are to behave to each other.