Thursday, April 08, 2010

Occupational Hazard

Since Tuesday evening, I've been feeling pretty icky. I know, it's not a medical term. But it pretty well sums up the feeling. Sore throat, hurts to swallow, and congestion up in the sinuses.

I blame myself. Most of the time I'm pretty good at making sure I wash my hands after shaking hands with people after the weekend Masses. I was good at it all winter, making sure that we had plenty of antibacterial gel in the sacristy. But then the weather changed, and I caught up into Easter, and on Holy Saturday night and Easter Sunday, I totally forgot about cleaning my hands after pressing the flesh with the People of God.

The odds were against me, really. All those people. All those germs. It only takes one to get (literally) into my head and start procreating. I wonder if Humanae Vitae covered germs, too?

Colds that come from being around people put clergy into the same category as teachers and flight attendants, I suppose. It's part of "what we do". Hyman Roth said it best to Michael Corleone.

So what do I do? I load up on Vitamin C. I keep the Dayquil and Nyquil people in business. I go through tissues like they're, well, tissues. I know this will pass, but until then, it's still a pain in the neck.

Let that be a lesson: Folks, if you're sick, don't think your Priest will take it the wrong way if you don't shake his hand. Similarly, if he's sick, don't think he's being rude if he chooses not to shake hands with you.


teorabelle said...

Ohhh, feel better soon!! It might be all the pollen in the air and not the people on the ground.
Best cure - saline nasal spray, Ha Ha!! No for real, it works.

Victoria said...

A friend of mine is an opera singer and he just can't catch a cold. He swears by saline nasal spray but he uses the old fashioned method - squirting the saline solution into the nose with a manual squirter.

I put my kids on salt water gargles and Eccanacea and Zine tablets.

Father Jay Toborowsky said...

Victoria, I use "Simply Saline", a saline misting spray. Thanks. I can't imagine using one of those Neti Pots.

ProudCatholic said...

Another line from the Godfather that is appropo here. .."Take a little Brandy, or somethin', sweat it out a little." That's from Sonny (feigning concern) to Paulie who is faking a cold, just before they wack wack him and the shooter is ordered to "Leave the gun...take the canolis." Ah priorities!

Feel better, Father!

MJ said...

Hope you feel better! As a teacher, I have had a cough/respiratory infection for about 3 - 4 weeks and can't get rid of the cough!! I use saline solution all year round and it usually works but sometimes ....

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon, Padre. Good advice to those that should be "nodding" their greeting of peace. Last weekend's Mass was a sea of coughing and sneezing!

Irishman from Philly said...

Good old Irish tea with a spot of good Irish whiskey. Also motrin and what Father Jay said NaCl H2O. Hope you get well soon.

Irishman from Philly said...

Good old Irish tea with a spot of good Irish whiskey. Also motrin and what Father Jay said NaCl H2O. Hope you get well soon.

Unknown said...

Nothing like Zinc tabs - I don't know why, but they work pretty effectively. Don't take them on an empty stomach, though because they can make you nauseous.

The saline spray works to keep everything moist, too. And I'm with you on the idea of using a neti pot; that's just gross.

Feel better soon.