This morning's 1st Reading at Mass tells us "all Israel from Dan to Beersheba came to know that Samuel was an accredited prophet of the Lord." This got me wondering about Dan and Beersheba.
A map on Wikipedia showed the locations of the cities, Dan in the extreme north and Beersheba in the extreme south.

So there it is: The author was making the point of Samuel's renown from the very north to the very south. I wondered how to convey that in my homily. Use the geography of New Jersey? How about the geography of the United States? Samuel was recognized in the land from Maine to....
Which in my brain led to me singing this:
Which in my brain led to me singing this:
lol..It's all that engrained homiletics training that automatically teaches you to relate the readings from Biblical times to our modern world and apply humor as well when merited. Nothing wrong with that brain of's a blessing for your congregation!
I followed it perfectly! But, I would've like to have seen how you incorporated and compared all the exits between north and south....
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