Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Question of the Day: Oct. 26

The first reading at Mass today is that ever-maligned Ephesians 5:21-33.

If you're a Priest, did you preach on it?
If you're anyone else who attended Mass today, did you hear anything about it?


Unknown said...

Yes I did! In fact just before the Mass the reader (a woman) said how much she hates that reading and her remarks opened up my homily much to the amusement of her husband!

timh said...

Great question! Actually, Angelina Huber included this in a long list of scripture quotes in her presentation Women in Scripture: Their Socio-Cultural Setting "Using biblical quotes and historical background information, this session will explore how women were viewed and treated during the biblical era and offer a perspective for reading their stories in the 21st century." (From http://resource.udallas.edu/132/Program_2010.pdf)..... at the weekend's UD Ministry Conference, reminding the room of the end of the quote, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the Church." Today, Fr. Wade Menezes did get around to it at his Mass on EWTN - he began with a 'bloom where you're planted' theme, telling us that yeast never questions where it is... but did work around to explaining exactly what submission and subordination mean... BUT please find a repeat of the Mass and watch the end of his homily! Especially after the issue lately of some apparent quashing of talk about Spiritual Warfare. (http://veneremurcernui.wordpress.com/2010/10/18/something-going-down/)

Helene said...

I was the lector at my parish and I love that reading. I wish I were a wife and I wish I had a husband.

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

The deacon preached about sacrificial love between husband and wife--and how this reading calls spouses to true self-giving.

Paul said...

Yes, I did preach on it. Focused on the comparisons husband-wife, Christ-Church. One is specifically asked to give up independence, one is asked to give up life itself. Reactions were positive: "I never thought of it that way before."

CJD said...

The Mass I attended was also the Children's Mass for our parish school. WHen I heard the reading I wondered if Father would touch upon it at all. He concentrated most on the Gospel telling the children how they should behave to get into the kingdom of heaven, then he said in regards tot he first reading Husbands should walk beside their wives not in front of them, and then in a very strrong voice he said "Boys remember Jesus was a Man, and when you become a man you should act as Jesus towards your wives." I thought the woman in front of me was going to fall out of the pew when he said Jesus was a Man!!


ProudCatholic said...

I've heard it preached as FP commented. It is about husband-wife, Christ-Church and about sacrifice. It really is a beautiful passage and one that people must focus on way beyond the phrase that women must be subordinate to their husbands--that would be taking it out of context and lose so much of the meaning and value of it. I've heard hysterical comments by priests on what they see from the pulpit everytime this is read, the elbow digs, assenting nods, glaring responses.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness... I don't think I have ever heard it put as simply and yet profoundly as FP described it! Well said... thanks :)

Unknown said...

One of our daily Mass attendees, leaving our church said, "I don't agree with that gospel, of subordination".
I said, "I would be happy to be subordinate if I could have my husband back for one day."

I noticed she didn't attend Mass today. Whoops!! Sorry!!