Thursday, April 09, 2009

This Good Friday, an exception to the rule

As the world focuses on the earthquake in Italy and its aftermath, this morning the Vatican Press Office released this statement (my own translation, so forgive any errors):
"The Holy Father, receiving the requests of civil and religious authorities, has appointed the Eminent Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, to preside Friday, April 10, at the funeral rites for the victims of the earthquake that has hit the Abruzzese capital and the surrounding towns.

In consideration of the exceptionality of the event, the Congregation for the Divine Cult and the Discipline of the Sacraments has granted the indult for the celebration of a Holy Mass for the dead, in spite of the norm, the liturgy of Good Friday does not provide for other rites except for the 'Passion of the Lord'.

As a sign of personal closeness of the Pope to those who suffer because of the earthquake, the private secretary, Msgr. George Gänswein, will also participate at the funeral."

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