Sunday, November 22, 2009

And on November 22, nonetheless!

[Thanks to Fr. Bernie Healey for bringing this to my attention.]

Today's Providence Journal reports that Bishop Thomas Tobin, after reflecting on Canon 915 (which says that "Those who ... obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion."), has decreed that Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy should not be admitted to Holy Communion because of his advocacy of abortion rights in his 16 years in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Congressman Kennedy was informed of this decision by Bp. Tobin, and did what you or I would do: ran to the media. When asked in a phone interview about how he felt about being a Roman Catholic that is barred from receiving the Eucharist, said he has "personal feelings of disappointment". I'm sure the reporter must've broken his pencil at that moment, otherwise we'd have heard the Congressman's comments about shame, sorrow, his need for prayer, Confession, and a copy of Evangelium Vitae. The Congressman's soul could not be reached for comment.

Pray for Bishop Tobin, who is about to face the full fury of the mainstream media.


Arthur said...

Too bad no one had the courage to do this to Congressman Kennedy's father. The late Senator Edward M. Kennedy was more powerful than his son and could have done a great deal to stem the tide of abortions in this country. Senator Kennedy did everything in his power to expand abortion rights and our Catholic Cardinals and Bishops were silent when it came to the Senator. I suppose the Church heirarchy was more afraid of Teddy than Patrick. Oh well, better late than never.

DimBulb said...

And on November 22, nonetheless!

Indeed! It is now being reported that the Bishop's request was issued in 2007, so why go public on today of all days? the 46th anniversary of his uncle's assassination. At John Allen notes that Kennedy's decision to go public "in effect puts the Catholic bishops in a negative light, because it ends up making them look intolerant." Allen doesn't make a connection with the date, but it does raise an unfortunate question: was this contrived? I hope note, that would be disgusting.